We're glad you could check us out. Willoughby Park Anglican Church is a church. This means we are a group of people gathered by God, committed to following Jesus, his Son.
We welcome you to join us, whether you’re a skeptic, a keen or lapsed Christian, or a member of another religion or denomination. Jesus invites you, as he invites all: ‘Come, follow me’ (Matthew 4:19; 10:38; 19:21, etc).

Christians are part of the greatest story ever told. It’s a story that starts with God’s creation of the universe, spoiled by humanity’s turning away from him, redeemed through Jesus’ atoning death on the cross and rising to new life, continues as people from every language turn back to him, and will reach its climax when Jesus returns to judge the world and usher in a whole new creation. Consequently, we hold that Jesus Christ is at the centre of history, the only one who can bring us reconciliation with God, and so is worth following with all of our being as the key to eternal life.
God is a God who speaks (in fact, that’s why humans speak – we are made in his image) and who acts. So we meet each Sunday as his family to hear his word (the Bible), and to pray for the world and for strength to live his way. In this we join with Christians from every ethnicity across the whole world, praising God for all he has done for us, and waiting for Jesus’ promised return.
If this seems strange to you...we’d love you to help you consider the wonderful claims of Jesus for yourself.
Come and join us any Sunday (click here for more info on what we do at church on Sundays). Or click here for a three minute video overview of Christianity

We believe the Bible is the Word of God, in which God reveals his relationship to mankind and his plan of salvation, centred on the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For this reason, we read and teach the Bible week by week.
While our beliefs are revealed in the Bible, they are summarized in the Anglican 39 articles of religion (from 1552) and worked out in the principles and reformed evangelical theology of Thomas Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer.
For an explanation of the core message of the Christian faith, take a look at: Two Ways to Live – The choice we all face.

Hear from God, through reading his word, the Bible
Reflect on what God wants for us today through hearing a sermon
Encourage each other in life together
Receive forgiveness of sins through Jesus’ death on the cross
Pray to our loving heavenly Father
Sing together to celebrate what God has done for us
Celebrate ‘The Lord’s Supper’, a token of our union with Christ
(Every 3rd Sunday at Willoughby Park; Most Sundays at St James)
Spend time together as a church family over morning tea
A children's and youth program is run during our Willoughby Park service at 9.30am.